We appreciate you and the hard work you do! In order to further reward the hard-working folks that have been loyal to us, and to encourage others to work more hours and be more dependable, the following dependability incentive is in place for the bulk of the 4th quarter of 2021!

The incentive is broken into 3 periods:

Period 1 -October 5th -31st

Period 2 -November 1st – 28th

Period 3 -November 29th- December 26th



  • 16 year olds & up = minimum of 15 hours worked per week on average for each of the incentive periods
  • 14/15 year olds = minimum of 10 hours worked per week on average for each of the incentive periods


Working hours/shifts as scheduled:

  • 3-minute grace period to clock in. No exceptions.
  • During each incentive period, you can use the NEXT app to replace up to 2 scheduled shifts for unforeseen interruptions – sick, no transportation, etc. Replacement must be found & approved.
  • 1 NCNS = elimination for the incentive period & possible termination.
  • Over-Time hours are NOT eligible for the added $1.50
  • All Crew & Shift Leaders are eligible



  • If all shifts are worked as scheduled, & if you have met the criteria from above, then you will receive $1.50 for every hour you have worked during the incentive period.
  • Qualify in all 3 incentive periods & you will receive an additional bonus of $250 if you averaged 28+ hours per week throughout. If your hours averaged 15 – 28 per week, you will receive $150 bonus!